Optimal combination of anodal transcranial direct current stimulations and motor imagery interventions

Elodie, Saruco; F, Di Rienzo; S, Nunez-Nagy; MA, Rubio-Gonzales; U, Debarnot; C, Collet; A, Guillot; Arnaud, Saimpont
Motor imagery contributes to enhance the (re)learning of motor skills through remapping of cortical networks. Combining motor imagery with anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation (a-tDCS) over the primary motor cortex has further been shown to promote its beneficial effects on postural control. Whether motor imagery should be performed concomitantly to a-tDCS (over depolarized membrane) or consecutively (over changing neurotransmitters activity) remains to be elucidated. In the present study, we measured the performance in a postural control task before and after three experimental conditions. Participants received a-tDCS before (tDCS-Before), during (tDCS-During), or both before and during motor imagery training (tDCS-Before+During). Performance was improved after tDCS-During, but not after both the tDCS-Before and tDCS-Before+During conditions. These results support that homeostatic plasticity is likely to operate following a-tDCS through decreasing cortical excitability and that motor imagery should be performed during anodal stimulation for optimum gains.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
stimolazione elettrica transcranica; Riabilitazione motoria; neuromodulazione
Testata scientifica:
Hindawi - Neural Plasticity
In questo studio viene associata la stimolazione tDCS anodica effettuata con lo Starstim prima, durante e dopo un esercizio di Motor Imagery. I risultati vengono valutati attraverso un task di controllo posturale con pedana stabilometrica. La stimolazione tDCS effettuata durante l'esercizio di Motor Imagery si è dimostrata essere la più efficace.
Hits: 2182

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