Balancing the brain of offenders with psychopathy? Resting state EEG and electrodermal activity after a pilot study of brain self-regulation training

L., Konicar; S., Radev; S., Silvoni; E., Bolinger; R., Veit; U., Strehl; C., Vesely; P., L. Plener; L., Poustka; N., Birbaumer
Although investigation of the brains of criminals began quite early in the history of psychophysiological research, little is known about brain plasticity of offenders with psychopathy. Building on our preliminary study reporting successful brain self-regulation using slow cortical potential (SCP) neurofeedback in offenders with psychopathy, we investigated the central nervous and autonomic peripheral changes occurring after brain self-regulation in a group of severe male offenders with psychopathy. Regarding the central nervous system, an overall suppression of the psychopathic overrepresentation of slow frequency bands was found, such as delta and theta band activity, after EEG neurofeedback. In addition, an increase in alpha band activity could be observed after the SCP self-regulation training. Electrodermal activity adaptively changed according to the regulation task, and this flexibility improved over training time. The results of this study point towards a constructive learning process and plasticity in neural and peripheral measures of offenders with psychopathy.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
Neurofeedback; EEG; psicopatia
Testata scientifica:
Plos One
In questo articolo si intende indagare la plasticità neurale dei criminali con psicopatia. Basandosi su uno studio preliminare che riporta l'autoregolazione cerebrale di successo ,utilizzando il neurofeedback del potenziale corticale lento (SCP) in autori di reato con psicopatia, si sono studiati i cambiamenti periferici nervosi centrali e autonomici che si verificano dopo l'autoregolazione cerebrale in un gruppo di gravi criminali maschi con psicopatia. Il fine di questo studio è quello di sollecitare la ricerca e chiarire, mediante neuroimaging funzionale , le dinamiche neurali della psicopatia e indagare la relazione sottostante con empatia, aggressività e plasticità neurale.
Hits: 849

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