Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as an Adjuvant to an Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program in Chronic Stroke

S, Shamapant; S, Wortman-Jutt; E, Boutin; S, Bennet; C, Oromendia; L, Gerber; TP, Marquardt; DJ, Edwards
Background and Purpose: In this proof-of-concept pilot study, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was used as an adjuvant to speech therapy in an intensive comprehensive aphasia program (ICAP). Methods: Using a double-blind, sham controlled, between-group design, 1 mA of direct current was delivered via NEO-24 PiStim gel electrodes using a Starstim tDCS device.The anode was placed over the inferior frontal gyrus (FC5), with the cathode placed over the supra-orbital frontal area (AF8) of the contralesional side during the first 20 minutes of daily intensive speech therapy for a period of 15 consecutive weekdays, commencing on day-1 of an 8-week ICAP. Pre- and post-treatment standardized assessments and discourse analysis, as well as bi-weekly trained and untrained probes, were used as outcome measures. Results: Six subjects were analyzed; three received ICAP-tDCS and three received ICAP-sham. Five subjects were male. Ages ranged from 50 to 67 years. Time post-stroke at enrollment ranged from 8 months to 5.2 years. Subjects receiving ICAP-tDCS treatment demonstrated significantly higher improvement than ICAP-sham patients on the Boston Naming Test ( p=0.05), trained and untrained probes (p=0.05, untrained absolute increase p=0.05, percent increase p=0.38), and picture-description discourse (absolute increase p=0.05, percent increase p=0.38). There was no difference in the improvement of Western Aphasia Battery-AQ between ICAP-tDCS and ICAP-sham patients (absolute and percent increases both p=0.28). No adverse effects of tDCS or intensive behavioral training were reported. Following completion of the initial 3 weeks of adjunctive tDCS and tDCS-sham treatment, all subjects continued participation in the ICAP therapy with behavioral intervention only, and concluded the 8-week program. Conclusions: In this proof-of-concept pilot rehabilitation study, we demonstrate significant language improvements in chronic post-stroke aphasia, following intensive speech therapy combined with tDCS. Results should be confirmed in a larger randomized clinical trial.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
afasia; stimolazione elettrica transcranica; Stroke
Testata scientifica:
Studio pilota effettuato per verificare l'effetto della stimolazione elettrica transcranica applicata su pazienti con afasia post-stroke. L'esperimento, eseguito in doppio cieco con controllo sham, ha previsto il trattamento tDCS (15 sessioni giornaliere) con lo Starstim ed elettrodi PiStim posizionati sull'emisfero controlaterale alla lesione. I risultati mostrano significativi miglioramenti nel linguaggio, dovuti alla combinazione della terapia per l'afasia (ICAP - intensive comprehensive aphasia terapy) con la tDCS.
Hits: 2176

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