Function biocontrol (FBC) method application in the course of depressive disturbance treatmen

JK, Avdeeva; AA, Rudovskiy
The practicability of biofeedback (BFB) usage (BFB) in combination with other psychotherapeutic methods in the course of mental illnesses treatment is widely recognized. The aim of our work was to investigate the possibilities of BFB-training application in the course of depressive disorders multiple treatment. The investigation involved 56 patients (finished observations) of both genders at the age from 16 to 60 and older. Their state corresponded to the ICD-10 depressive episode criteria. State evaluation was conducted before and after the therapy using clinical schedules (Hamilton et al.), cognitive functions investigation, MMP1, projective methods (Szondi, Lüscher color test), and cognitive induced potentials P(300). The procedures were applied to depressive positions. There were some restrictions of unprincipled character. The course of treatment amounted to 20-25 procedures and more. Therapy efficacy depended better on quality and assurance of the self-regulation skill acquirement, than on BFBtraining type according to its physiological signal.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
depressione; Bio-Neurofeedback
Testata scientifica:
Articolo Medicom
Risultati positivi sono stati raggiunti non solo nella riduzione della depressione, ma anche nello sviluppo di funzioni cognitive: capacità di concentrazione nella sua selettività, divisione e stabilità, espansione della memoria, sviluppo capacità mentali in generale ed è anche stato raggiunto lo sviluppo del P(300) nel corso dell'indagine sui potenziali cognitivi indotti.
Hits: 2037

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