Transcranial magnetic intermittent theta-burst stimulation for depression in pregnancy – A case series

SM, Sylvèn; M, Gingnell; A, Ramirez; R, Bodèn
Anti-depressant treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is considered safe and effective during pregnancy, but response rates are fairly low, and compliance is often hampered by a subjective worry concerning the effects SSRIs may have on the fetus/newborn child [1]. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) may be a suitable alternative treatment for depression during pregnancy, but there is a paucity of clinical data, restricted to one randomized controlled trial with 22 women, and case-reports and case-series [2,3]. Recent advances with efficient protocols of short duration such as intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) offers further feasibility of rTMS [4]. However, there is only one case-report of iTBS during pregnancy so far [5]. Here we report a case series of five consecutive cases of pregnant depressed women who were referred to the Brain Stimulation Unit at Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden, during 2019. The patients were referred via a well-developed collaboration between the Maternity Clinic and the Psychiatric Clinic in the University Hospital. All five patients were assessed before, during, and after the iTBS course per clinical routine, and oral and written consent was obtained from all patients after completing their treatments, to collect relevant information from their medical records and to publish their data in this case-series. The patients were first screened for rTMS safety with a modified translated version of the TASS (Rossi 2011).
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
stimolazione magnetica transcranica; TMS; depressione; corteccia prefrontale; donne in gravidanza; Theta Burst; iTBS
Testata scientifica:
Brain Stimulation
Serie di cinque casi di donne incinte affette da depressione. Il protocollo iTBS consisteva in triplette da 50 Hz, ripetute a 5 Hz; stimolazione di 2 s e pausa di 8 s; 600 impulsi per sessione; durata totale di 3 minuti 12 secondi, applicata al 120% della soglia motoria. L'intensità dello stimolo è stata gradualmente aumentata inizialmente durante il ciclo di trattamento per aumentare la tollerabilità. Lo stimolatore magnetico utilizzato è stato il MagPro R30 e la bobina, una a farfalla Cool-B65 (MagVenture, Farum, Danimarca). Nelle cinque donne in gravidanza che hanno ricevuto il trattamento iTBS per la depressione maggiore, è stata osservata in tutte le pazienti una diminuzione del punteggio MADRS-S e in due pazienti la remissione completa. È stata osservata una diminuzione dell'ideazione suicidaria, nonché una riduzione del punteggio CGI-S. Durante il periodo di studio non sono stati registrati eventi avversi gravi per la madre o il bambino.
Hits: 1163

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