Inferring Causality from Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience

T, Bergmann O.; G, Hartwigsen
Noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation or transcranial direct and alternating current stimulation, are advocated as measures to enable causal inference in cognitive neuroscience experiments. Transcending the limitations of purely correlative neuroimaging measures and experimental sensory stimulation, they allow to experimentally manipulate brain activity and study its consequences for perception, cognition, and eventually, behavior. Although this is true in principle, particular caution is advised when interpreting brain stimulation experiments in a causal manner. Research hypotheses are often oversimplified, disregarding the underlying (implicitly assumed) complex chain of causation, namely, that the stimulation technique has to generate an electric field in the brain tissue, which then evokes or modulates neuronal activity both locally in the target region and in connected remote sites of the network, which in consequence affects the cognitive function of interest and eventually results in a change of the behavioral measure. Importantly, every link in this causal chain of effects can be confounded by several factors that have to be experimentally eliminated or controlled to attribute the observed results to their assumed cause. This is complicated by the fact that many of the mediating and confounding variables are not directly observable and dose– response relationships are often nonlinear. We will walk the reader through the chain of causation for a generic cognitive neuroscience NIBS study, discuss possible confounds, and advise appropriate control conditions. If crucial assumptions are explicitly tested (where possible) and confounds are experimentally well controlled, NIBS can indeed reveal cause–effect relationships in cognitive neuroscience studies
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
TMS; TES; tACS; tDCS; NIBS; stimolazione elettrica transcranica; stimolazione magnetica transcranica; Noninvasive brain stimulation
Testata scientifica:
Journal of cognitive neuroscience
In questo articolo si vuole indagare l'affidabilità delle tecniche di stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva (NIBS) nel formulare inferenze causali negli esperimenti di neuroscienze cognitive. Le tecniche di NIBS permettono di manipolare sperimentalmente l'attività cerebrale e osservare quindi le conseguenze sulla percezione, la cognizione e infine il comportamento. Quando si vogliono fare delle ipotesi di inferenza causale però bisogna stare molto attenti a non farsi confondere da possibili elementi disturbanti affinchè i risultati siano effettivamente attribuibili alla loro presunta causa. Questo articolo vuole guidare il lettore attraverso il processo che porta a formulare un'inferenza causale per un generico esperimento di neuroscienze con stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva, discutendo possibili elementi di confusione e consigliando appropriate condizioni di controllo. Se le ipotesi sono esplicitamente testate (dove possibile) e gli elementi confondenti ben controllati sperimentalmente, la NIBS è un ottimo mezzo per rivelare relazioni di causa-effetto negli studi di neuroscienze cognitive.
Hits: 770

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