Integrated use of biofeedback and neurofeedback techniques in treating pathological conditions and improving performance: a narrative review

Tosti, B.; Corrado, S.; Mancone, S.; Libero, T. Di; Rodio, A.; Andrade, A.; Diotaiuti, P.
In recent years, the scientific community has begun tо explore the efficacy оf an integrated neurofeedback + biofeedback approach іn various conditions, both pathological and non-pathological. Although several studies have contributed valuable insights into its potential benefits, this review aims tо further investigate its effectiveness by synthesizing current findings and identifying areas for future research. Our goal іs tо provide a comprehensive overview that may highlight gaps іn the existing literature and propose directions for subsequent studies. The search for articles was conducted on the digital databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Studies to have used the integrated neurofeedback + biofeedback approach published between 2014 and 2023 and reviews to have analyzed the efficacy of neurofeedback and biofeedback, separately, related to the same time interval and topics were selected. The search identified five studies compatible with the objectives of the review, related to several conditions: nicotine addiction, sports performance, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The integrated neurofeedback + biofeedback approach has been shown to be effective in improving several aspects of these conditions, such as a reduction in the presence of psychiatric symptoms, anxiety, depression, and withdrawal symptoms and an increase in self-esteem in smokers; improvements in communication, imitation, social/cognitive awareness, and social behavior in ASD subjects; improvements in attention, alertness, and reaction time in sports champions; and improvements in attention and inhibitory control in ADHD subjects. Further research, characterized by greater methodological rigor, is therefore needed to determine the effectiveness of this method and the superiority, if any, of this type of training over the single administration of either. This review іs intended tо serve as a catalyst for future research, signaling promising directions for the advancement оf biofeedback and neurofeedback methodologies.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Testata scientifica:
In questa pubblicazione sono stati analizzati studi eseguiti tra il 2014 e il 2023 sull'approccio combinato di neurofeedback e biofeedback in diverse condizioni, sia patologiche (come la dipendenza da nicotina, disturbo dello spettro autistico, disturbo da deficit di attenzione e iperattività) che non (come le prestazioni sportive), sintetizzando efficacia, risultati e prospettive future. L'approccio combinato tra NFB e BFB ha dimostrato miglioramenti in varie situazioni con la riduzione di sintomi psichiatrici, ansia, depressione, miglioramenti delle performance, comunicazione e comportamento sociale. Riconoscendo l'interconnessione tra processi cognitivi e fisiologici è possibile esplorare nuove aree di applicazione, innovazioni metodologiche e personalizzazione dei trattamenti che risulteranno quindi più mirati ed efficaci.
Hits: 97

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