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Use of New Communication Technologies in the Behavioral and Cognitive Awareness of Road Users: Toward Safe Driving

H, Ettahiri; T, Fechtali
Driver fatigue is a serious problem resulting in many thousands of road accidents each year. It is not possible to calculate the exact number of sleep-related accidents, but research shows that driver fatigue may be a contributory factor in up to 20% of road accidents, and up to one-quarter of fatal and serious accidents. These types of crashes are about 50% more likely to result in death or serious injury as they tend to be high-speed impacts because a driver who has fallen asleep cannot brake or swerve to avoid or reduce the impact. Drivers are aware when they are feeling sleepy, and so make a conscious decision about whether to continue driving or to stop for a rest. It may be that those who persist in driving underestimate the risk of falling asleep while driving. Or it may be that some drivers choose to ignore the risks (in the way that drivers drink too). For this reason, we include in this paper the analysis of records of EEG signals that we collect from 20 volunteers, 10 of them are deprived of sleep for one night. The interpretation of this data is very important to provide insight into the problem; it also helps us understand the mental fatigue of the driver so we could know if the driver is able to drive or not.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
Guida sicura; segnale EEG; Fatica; EEG; Sonno; Fatica mentale
Testata scientifica:
Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Pubblicazione che affronta il tema della stanchezza alla guida e sonnolenza diurna nei guidatori con l'analisi di registrazioni dei segnali EEG con dispositivo Enobio Neuroelectrics in 20 volontari, 10 dei quali sono stati privati ​​del sonno per una notte. L'interpretazione di questi dati è molto importante per fornire informazioni sul problema aiutando anche a capire il grado di stanchezza mentale del guidatore e per sapere se è in grado di guidare o meno.

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