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Effects of flexor reflex stimulation on gait aspects in stroke patients: randomized clinical trial

Sehle, A.; Sal, C.; Salzmann, C.; Liepert, J.
Background Gait deficits are very common after stroke and therefore an important aspect in poststroke rehabilitation. A currently little used method in gait rehabilitation after stroke is the activation of the flexor reflex (FR) by electrical stimulation of the sole of foot while walking. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of FR stimulation on gait performance and gait parameters in participants with stroke within a single session of flexor reflex stimulation using Incedo™. Methods Twenty-five participants with subacute (n = 14) and chronic (n = 11) stroke were enrolled in the study. Motor functions were tested with a 10-m walk test (10mWT), a 2-min walk test (2minWT), and a gait analysis. These tests were performed with and without Incedo™ within a single session in randomized order. Results In the 10mWT, a significant difference was found between walking with Incedo™ (15.0 ± 8.5 s) versus without Incedo™ (17.0 ± 11.4 s, p = 0.01). Similarly, the 2minWT showed a significant improvement with Incedo™ use (90.0 ± 36.4 m) compared to without Incedo™ (86.3 ± 36.8 m, p = 0.03). These results indicate that while the improvements are statistically significant, they are modest and should be considered in the context of their clinical relevance. The gait parameters remained unchanged except for the step length. A subgroup analysis indicated that participants with subacute and chronic stroke responded similarly to the stimulation. There was a correlation between the degree of response to electrostimulation while walking and degree of improvement in 2minWT (r = 0.50, p = 0.01). Conclusions This study is the first to examine FR activation effects in chronic stroke patients and suggests that stimulation effects are independent of the time since stroke. A larger controlled clinical trial is warranted that addresses issues as the necessary number of therapeutical sessions and for how long stimulation-induced improvements outlast the treatment period. Trial registration: The trial was retrospectively registered in German Clinical Trials Register. Clinical trial registration number: DRKS00021457. Date of registration: 29 June 2020.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
neuroriabilitazione; riabilitazione del passo; gait; Neurorehabilitation; stroke; ictus; riabilitazione post-ictus; flexor reflex; Gait analysis
Testata scientifica:
BMC - Springer nature
Questo lavoro è uno studio pilota presentato dal Lurija Institute sulla riabilitazione al cammino nei pazienti emiparetici a seguito di un evento ischemico. A differenza di altri studi, questo tratta i benefici immediati dell’utilizzo di INCEDO®: 25 pazienti, di cui 14 in fase subacuta e 11 in fase cronica, sono stati sottoposti a due diverse prove prima senza l’utilizzo di INCEDO® e poi con l’ausilio della stimolazione elettrica. I due test effettuati sono stati la camminata di 10 metri, dove INCEDO® ha portato miglioramenti significativi passando da una media di 17 secondi senza stimolazione ad una di 15 secondi, e la prova di camminata di due minuti, dove INCEDO® ha migliorato di circa il 5% le performance dei partecipanti (da 86 metri a 90). I risultati possono sembrare poco significativi, ma queste migliorie sono state istantanee: non c’è stata una fase di training con il dispositivo o una riabilitazione vera e propria, quindi questo studio sottolinea l’immediata fruibilità dello strumento INCEDO® e i suoi benefici. Inoltre, la maggior parte dei partecipanti (più dell’80%) ha dichiarato che consiglierebbe INCEDO® e che ne farebbe uso prolungato se in condizioni di farlo.

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