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Effect of tDCS stimulation of motor cortex and cerebellum on EEG classification of motor imagery and sensorimotor band power

IN, Angulo-Sherman; M, Rodríguez-Ugarte; N, Sciacca; E, Iáñez; JM, Azorín
BACKGROUND: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a technique for brain modulation that has potential to be used in motor neurorehabilitation. Considering that the cerebellum and motor cortex exert influence on the motor network, their stimulation could enhance motor functions, such as motor imagery, and be utilized for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) during motor neurorehabilitation. METHODS: A new tDCS montage that influences cerebellum and either right-hand or feet motor area is proposed and validated with a simulation of electric field. The effect of current density (0, 0.02, 0.04 or 0.06 mA/cm2) on electroencephalographic (EEG) classification into rest or right-hand/feet motor imagery was evaluated on 5 healthy volunteers for different stimulation modalities: 1) 10-minutes anodal tDCS before EEG acquisition over right-hand or 2) feet motor cortical area, and 3) 4-seconds anodal tDCS during EEG acquisition either on right-hand or feet cortical areas before each time right-hand or feet motor imagery is performed. For each subject and tDCS modality, analysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons tests (p <0.001) are used to detect significant differences between classification accuracies that are obtained with different current densities. For tDCS modalities that improved accuracy, t-tests (p <0.05) are used to compare μ and β band power when a specific current density is provided against the case of supplying no stimulation. RESULTS: The proposed montage improved the classification of right-hand motor imagery for 4 out of 5 subjects when the highest current was applied for 10 minutes over the right-hand motor area. Although EEG band power changes could not be related directly to classification improvement, tDCS appears to affect variably different motor areas on μ and/or β band. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed montage seems capable of enhancing right-hand motor imagery detection when the right-hand motor area is stimulated. Future research should be focused on applying higher currents over the feet motor cortex, which is deeper in the brain compared to the hand motor cortex, since it may allow observation of effects due to tDCS. Also, strategies for improving analysis of EEG respect to accuracy changes should be implemented.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
neuromodulazione; stimolazione elettrica transcranica
Testata scientifica:
Journal of Neuroengineering and rehabilitation
L'obiettivo di questo studio è la validazione di un montaggio per stimolazione elettrica transcranica che possa influenzare i network cerebellari e l'area motoria durante lo svolgimento di compiti di motor imaginery (MI). La stimolazione è stato eseguita con lo Starstim e un montaggio comprensivo di 3 elettrodi. La valutazione degli eventuali cambiamenti del segnale EEG correlati è stata eseguita con l'Enobio a 32 canali. I risultati suggeriscono che questo montaggio sembra poter migliorare la performance di MI per stimolazione dell'area motoria di rappresentazione della mano destra.

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