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  Titolo Autori Anno Patologie/Applicazioni
Risultati 51 - 75 di 314
51 Adjuvant Priming Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: In Search of a New Paradigm! L, Vidya K; P, G Rao; N, Goyal 2021
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Disturbo ossessivo compulsivo - OCD
  • Ansia (GAD)
52 Modulation of Methamphetamine-Related Attention Bias by Intermittent Theta-Burst Stimulation on Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex T, Chen; H, Su; L, Wang; X, Li; Q, Wu; N, Zhong; J, Du; Y, Meng; C, Duan; C, Zhang; W, Shi; D, Xu; W, Song; M, Zhao; H, Jiang 2021
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
53 Personalised, image-guided, noninvasive brain stimulation in gliomas: Rationale, challenges and opportunities G, Sprugnoli; S, Rossi; A, Rotenberg; A, Pascual-Leone; G, El-Fakhri; A, J. Golby; E, Santarnecchi 2021
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Plasticità cerebrale
54 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to treat Substance Use Disorders and Behavioral addictions: the state of the art G, Martinotti; A, Miuli; G, Stigliano; M, Pettorusso; M, Di Giannantonio 2021
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
55 EEG-Based Closed-Loop Neurofeedback for Attention Monitoring and Training in Young Adults B, Wang; Z, Xu; T, Luo; J, Pan 2021
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
56 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for neuropathic pain: a randomized multicentre sham-controlled trial N, Attal; F, Poindessous-Jazat; E, De Chauvigny; C, Quesada; A, Mhalla; S, S Ayache; C, Fermanian; J, Nizard; R, Peyron; J, Lefaucheur; D, Bouhassira 2021
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • navigatoreTMS
57 Evidence-Based Guidelines and Secondary Meta-Analysis for the Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders F, Fregni; M, M El-Hagrassy; K, Pacheco-Barrios; S, Carvalho; J, Leite; M, Simis; J, Brunelin; E, Miyuki Nakamura-Palacios; P, Marangolo; G, Venkatasubramanian; D, San-Juan; W, Caumo; A, R Brunoni; M, Bilkson 2021
  • Dipendenze
  • Depressione
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson
  • Epilessia
  • Schizofrenia
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Linee guida
58 Dorsomedial prefrontal theta burst stimulation to treat anhedonia, avolition, and blunted affect in schizophrenia or depression – a randomized controlled trial R, Boden; J, Bengtsson; E, Thörnblom; W, Struckmann; J, Persson 2021
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Schizofrenia
  • Theta Burst
59 A Retrospective Comparative Study in Patients With Cocaine Use Disorder Comorbid With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Undergoing an rTMS Protocol Treatment L., J. Gómez Pérez; S., Cardullo; D., Cuppone; M., Sarlo; N., Cellini; A., Terraneo; L., Gallimberti; G., Madeo 2021
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
60 Clinical study on swallowing function of brainstem stroke by tDCS H., Mao; Y., Lyu; Y., Li; L., Gan; J., Ni; L., Liu; Z., Xiao 2021
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
61 Balancing the brain of offenders with psychopathy? Resting state EEG and electrodermal activity after a pilot study of brain self-regulation training L., Konicar; S., Radev; S., Silvoni; E., Bolinger; R., Veit; U., Strehl; C., Vesely; P., L. Plener; L., Poustka; N., Birbaumer 2021
  • Riabilitazione cognitiva
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
  • Plasticità cerebrale
62 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression: Comparing Commonly Used Clinical Protocols P, Noah S.; R, Doherty A.; C, Faucher; E, Aiken; van 't Wout-Frank M, 2021
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Theta Burst
63 Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Suicidal Ideation in Military Populations: A Scholarly Review S, Exley.; L, Oberman. 2021
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
64 Case Report: Virtual Reality Neurofeedback Therapy as a Novel Modality for Sustained Analgesia in Centralized Pain Syndromes N, Orakpo.; U, Vieux.; c, Castro-Nuñez. 2021
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
  • Realtà virtuale
  • Ansia (GAD)
65 Session Frequency Matters in Neurofeedback Training of Athletes C, Domingos; M, Peralta; P, Prazeres; W, Nan; A, Rosa; JG, Pereira 2021
  • Riabilitazione motoria
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
  • Sport
66 Neuromodulatory treatments for psychiatric disease: A comprehensive survey of the clinical trial landscape Elias, G. J. B.; Boutet, A.; Parmar, R.; Wong, E. H. Y.; Germann, J.; Loh, A.; Paff, M.; Pancholi, A.; Gwun, D.; Chow, C. T.; Gouveia, F. Venetucci; Harmsen, I. E.; Beyn, M. E.; Santarnecchi, E.; Fasano, A.; Blumberger, D. M.; Kennedy, S. H.; Lozano, A. M.; Baht, V. 2021
  • Dipendenze
  • Depressione
  • Schizofrenia
  • ADHD
67 The exploration of optimized protocol for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of methamphetamine use disorder: A randomized sham-controlled study T, Chen; H, Su; R, Li; H, Jiang; X, Li; Q, Wu; H, Tan; J, Zhang; N, Zhong; J, Du; H, Gu; M, Zhao 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
68 Stanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression E, Cole J.; K, Stimpson H.; B, S. Bentzley; M, Gulser; K, Cherian; C, Tischler; R, Nejad; H, Pankow; E, Choi; H, Aaron; F, Espil M.; J, Pannu; X, Xiao; D, Duvio; H, B. Solvason; J, Hawkins; A, Guerra; B, Jo; K, Raj S.; A, L. Phillips; F, Barmak; J, H. Bishop; J, P. Coetzee; C, DeBattista; J, Keller; A, F. Schatzberg 2020
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
69 Is Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Effective for the Treatment of Pain in Fibromyalgia? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis D, M Lloyd; P, G Wittkopf; L, J Arendsen; A, K P Jones 2020
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
70 The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cue-induced craving in male patients with heroin use disorder X., Liu; X., Zhao; T., Liu; Q., Liu; L., Tang; H., Zhang; W., Luo; Z., Daskalakis J.; T., Yuan 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
71 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A review about its efficacy in the treatment of alcohol, tobacco and cocaine addiction M, Antonelli; L, Fattore; L, Sestito; D, Di Guida; M, Diana; G, Addolorato 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
72 Non-invasive brain stimulation targets and approaches to modulate gambling-related decisions: A systematic review M, Pettorusso; A, Miuli; C, Di Natale; F, Zoratto; L, De Risio; G, D'Andrea; P, N Dannon; G, Martinotti; M, Di Giannantonio 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
73 Cognitive and emotional predictors of real versus sham repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment response in methamphetamine use disorder C, Tianzhen; S, Hang; J, Haifeng; L, Xiaotong; Z, Na; D, Jiang; M, Yiran; D, Chunmei; Z, Congbin; X, Ke; X, Ding; S, Weidong; Z, Min 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
74 What children and young people learn about ADHD from youth information books: A text analysis of nine books on ADHD available in Dutch L, Batstra; L, Foget; van Haeringen C, ; te Meerman S, ; ED, Thoutenhoofd 2020
  • ADHD
75 Efficacy and Safety of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Treating Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia da Costa Lane Valiengo L, ; S, Goerigk; PC, Gordon; F, Padberg; MH, Serpa; S, Koebe; dos Santos LA, ; RAM, Lovera; de Carvalho JB, ; van de Bilt M, ; A, L. T. Lacerda; H, Elkis; WF, Gattaz; AR, Brunoni 2020
  • Schizofrenia
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Double blind

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