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  Titolo Autori Anno Patologie/Applicazioni
Risultati 76 - 100 di 321
76 Is Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Effective for the Treatment of Pain in Fibromyalgia? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis D, M Lloyd; P, G Wittkopf; L, J Arendsen; A, K P Jones 2020
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
77 The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cue-induced craving in male patients with heroin use disorder X., Liu; X., Zhao; T., Liu; Q., Liu; L., Tang; H., Zhang; W., Luo; Z., Daskalakis J.; T., Yuan 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
78 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A review about its efficacy in the treatment of alcohol, tobacco and cocaine addiction M, Antonelli; L, Fattore; L, Sestito; D, Di Guida; M, Diana; G, Addolorato 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
79 Non-invasive brain stimulation targets and approaches to modulate gambling-related decisions: A systematic review M, Pettorusso; A, Miuli; C, Di Natale; F, Zoratto; L, De Risio; G, D'Andrea; P, N Dannon; G, Martinotti; M, Di Giannantonio 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
80 Cognitive and emotional predictors of real versus sham repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment response in methamphetamine use disorder C, Tianzhen; S, Hang; J, Haifeng; L, Xiaotong; Z, Na; D, Jiang; M, Yiran; D, Chunmei; Z, Congbin; X, Ke; X, Ding; S, Weidong; Z, Min 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
81 What children and young people learn about ADHD from youth information books: A text analysis of nine books on ADHD available in Dutch L, Batstra; L, Foget; van Haeringen C, ; te Meerman S, ; ED, Thoutenhoofd 2020
  • ADHD
82 Efficacy and Safety of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Treating Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia da Costa Lane Valiengo L, ; S, Goerigk; PC, Gordon; F, Padberg; MH, Serpa; S, Koebe; dos Santos LA, ; RAM, Lovera; de Carvalho JB, ; van de Bilt M, ; A, L. T. Lacerda; H, Elkis; WF, Gattaz; AR, Brunoni 2020
  • Schizofrenia
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Double blind
83 Improving Cognitive Workload in Radiation Therapists A Pilot EEG Neurofeedback Study MA, Campbell; M, Mattoni; MN, Yefimov; K, Adapa; LM, Mazur 2020
  • Riabilitazione cognitiva
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
84 A Neuroergonomics Approach to Measure Pilot’s Cognitive Incapacitation in the Real World with EEG F, Dehais; B, Somon; T, Mullen; DE, Callan 2020
  • Riabilitazione cognitiva
  • Plasticità cerebrale
85 Use of New Communication Technologies in the Behavioral and Cognitive Awareness of Road Users: Toward Safe Driving H, Ettahiri; T, Fechtali 2020
  • Riabilitazione cognitiva
  • Plasticità cerebrale
86 From cognitive control to visual incongruity: Conflict detection in surrealistic images M, Ruzzoli; A, McGuinness; LM, Fernández; S, Soto-Faraco 2020
  • Potenziamento cognitivo
  • Plasticità cerebrale
87 Detecting acute pain signals from human EEG G, Sun; Z, Wen; D, Ok; L, Doan; J, Wang; ZS, Chen 2020
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Plasticità cerebrale
88 Safety and recommendations for TMS use in healthy subjects and patient populations, with updates on training, ethical and regulatory issues: Expert Guidelines S, Rossi; S, Antal; S, Bestmann; M, Bikson; C, Brewer; J, Brockmöller; LL, Carpenter; M, Cincotta; R, Chen; JD, Daskalakis; V, Di Lazzaro; MD, Fox; MS, George; D, Gilbert; VK, Kimiskidis; G, Koch; RJ, Ilmoniemi; JP, Lefaucheur; L, Leocani; SH, Lisanby; C, Miniussi; F, Padberg; A, Pascual-Leone; W, Paulus; AV, Peterchev; A, Quartarone; A, Rotenberg; J, Rothwell; PM, Rossini; E, Santarnecchi; MM, Shafi; HR, Siebner; Y, Ugawa; EM, Wassermann; A, Zangen; U, Ziemann; M, Hallett 2020
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Theta Burst
  • Linee guida
89 Transcranial magnetic intermittent theta-burst stimulation for depression in pregnancy – A case series SM, Sylvèn; M, Gingnell; A, Ramirez; R, Bodèn 2020
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Donne in gravidanza
  • Theta Burst
90 Recovering from depression with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): a systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies Risio, L. De; Borgi, M; Pettorruso, M.; Miuli, A.; Ottomana, A. M.; Sociali, A.; Martinotti, G.; Nicolò, G.; Macrì, S.; di Giannantonio, M.; Zoratto, F. 2020
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
91 Randomized Controlled Study Evaluating Efficiency of Low Intensity Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) for Dyspnea Relief in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients in ICU: The tDCS-DYSP-COVID Protocol E, Azabou; G, Bao; N, Heming; R, Bounab; P, Moine; S, Chevallier; S, Chevret; M, Resche-Rigon; S, Siami; T, Sharshar; F, Lofaso; D, Annane 2020
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
92 Combined behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for a direct cortical effect of prefrontal tDCS on disorders of consciousness B, Hermann; F, Raimondo; L, Hirsch; Y, Huang; M, Denis-Valente; P, Pérez; D, Engemann; F, Faugeras; N, Weiss; S, Demeret; B, Rohaut; LC, Parra; JD, Sitt; L, Naccache 2020
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
93 Italian Society of Psychiatry’s activity during the pandemic M, Di Giannantonio; E., Zanalda 2020
  • Linee guida
94 Predicting Alzheimers disease severity by means of TMS–EEG coregistration C, Bagattini; TP, Mutanen; C, Fracassi; R, Manenti; M, Cotelli; RJ, IImoniemib; C, Miniussi; M, Bortoletto 2020
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Alzheimer
95 Dissociable Effects of Theta-Burst Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to the Inferior Frontal Gyrus on Inhibitory Control in Nicotine Addiction RD, Newman-Norlund; M, Gibson; PA, McConnell; B, Froeliger 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
96 The Effect of Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation (iTBS) in Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial C, Yuan; H, Su; T, Chen; V, Voon; J, Du 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Double blind
97 rTMS-Induced Changes in Glutamatergic and Dopaminergic Systems: Relevance to Cocaine and Methamphetamine Use Disorders J, Moretti; E, Z. Poh; J, Rodger 2020
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
98 Guidance for clinical neurophysiology examination throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Latin American chapter of the IFCN task force – COVID-19 D, San-Juan; C, RamosJiménez; C, XiménezCamilli; la Cruz Reyes L, Adriánde; EG, AguirreGalindo; GE, RamosBurbano; MM, Penela; MB, Perassolo; AT, Valdéz; J, GutierrezGodoy; AL, Moreira; PA, TeixeiraKimaid 2020
  • Linee guida
99 Guidelines for TMS/tES Clinical Services and Research through the COVID-19 Pandemic M, Bikson; CA, Hanlon; AJ, Woods; BT, Gillick; L, Charvet; C, Lamm; G, Madeo; A, Holczer; J, Almeida; A, Antal; M, Reza Ay; C, Baeken; DM, Blumberger; S, Campanella; J, Camprodon; L, Christiansen; L, Colleen; J, Crinion; P, Fitzgerald; L, Gallimberti; P, Ghobadi-Azbari; I, Ghodratitoostani; R, Grabner; G, Hartwigsen; A, Hirata; A, Kirton; H, Knotkova; E, Krupitsky; P, Marangolo; EM, NAkamura-Palacios; W, Potok; SK, Praharaj; CC, Ruff; G, Schlaug; HR, Siebner; CJ, Stagg; A, Thielscher; N, Wenderoth; T-F, Yuan; X, Zhang; H, Ekhtiariat 2020
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Linee guida
100 Depressive symptom trajectories associated with standard and accelerated rTMS TS, Kaster; L, Chen; ZJ, Daskalakis; KE, Hoy; DM, Blumberger; PB, Fitzgerald 2020
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)

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