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  Titolo Autori Anno Patologie/Applicazioni
Risultati 126 - 150 di 314
126 Motor cortex excitability and inhibitory imbalance in autism spectrum disorder assessed with transcranial magnetic stimulation: a systematic review F, Masuda; S, Nakajima; T, Miyazaki; K, Yoshida; S, Tsugawa; M, Wada; K, Ogyu; PE, Croarkin; DM, Blumberger; ZJ, Daskalakis; M, Mimura; Y, Noda 2019
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Autismo
127 Clinical review: The therapeutic use of theta-burst stimulation in mental disorders and tinnitus T, Schwippel; PA, Schroeder; AJ, Fallgatter; C, Plewnia 2019
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Tinnitus
128 Effect of combined neurofeedback and game-based cognitive training on the treatment of ADHD: A randomized controlled study S, Rajabi; A, Pakize; NA, Moradi 2019
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
  • Plasticità cerebrale
  • ADHD
129 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of major depression during pregnancy YA, Ferrào; R, De Melo Felipe De Silva 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Donne in gravidanza
130 Mechanisms of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treating on Post-stroke Depression. Duan, Xiaoqin; Yao, Gang; Liu, Zhongliang; Cui, Ranji; Yang, Wei 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Stroke
131 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Symptomatology, and Cognition in Psychosis: A Qualitative Review Gupta, T; Kelley, N. J.; Pelletier-Baldelli, A.; Mittal, V. A. 2018
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
132 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for motor recovery in Parkinsons disease: A Meta‐analysis C, Yang; Z, Guo; H, Peng; G, Xing; H, Chen; MA, McClure; B, He; L, He; F, Du; L, Xiong; Q, Mu 2018
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Parkinson
  • Riabilitazione motoria
133 Magnetic seizure therapy reduces suicidal ideation and produces neuroplasticity in treatment-resistant depression Y, Sun; DM, Blumberger; BH, Mulsant; TK, Rajji; PB, Fitzgerald; MS, Barr; J, Downar; W, Wong; F, Farzan; ZJ, Daskalakis 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Plasticità cerebrale
134 Neurofeedback versus psychostimulants in the treatment of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review B, Razoki 2018
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
  • ADHD
135 rTMS for Migraine with a Generalised Anxiety Disorder-A Combination Treatment with Duloxetine G, Mikellides; M, Tantele; O, Evagorou 2018
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Emicrania
  • Ansia (GAD)
136 Functional connectivity changes associated with fMRI neurofeedback of right inferior frontal cortex in adolescents with ADHD K, Rubia; M, Criaud; M, Wulff; A, Alegria; H, Brinson; G, Barker; D, Stahl; V, Giampietro 2018
  • Bio – Neurofeedback (NFB)
  • Plasticità cerebrale
  • ADHD
137 1 Hz rTMS of the right orbitofrontal cortex for major depression: Safety, tolerability and clinical outcomes K, Feffer; P, Fettes; P, Giacobbe; ZJ, Daskalakis; DM, Blumberger; J, Downar 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
138 Sleep-wake, cognitive and clinical correlates of treatment outcome with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for young adults with depression M, Kaur; SL, Naismith; J, Lagopoulos; DF, Hermens; RSC, Lee; JS, Carpenter; PB, Fitzgerald; KE, Hoy; EM, Scott; IB, Hickie 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Ansia (GAD)
139 Magnetic seizure therapy reduces suicidal ideation and produces neuroplasticity in treatment-resistant depression. Y, Sun; DM, Blumberger; BH, Mulsant; TK, Rajji; PB, Fitzgerald; MS, Barr; J, Downar; W, Wong; F, Farzan; ZJ, Daskalakis 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
140 Identifying and Engaging Neuronal Oscillations by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Pilot Study S, Ahn; JH, Prim; ML, Alexander; KL, McCulloch; F, Fröhlich 2018
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Double blind
141 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression S, Pridmore; W, Pridmore 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
142 Comparative Efficacy of Non-invasive Neurostimulation Therapies for Acute and Subacute Post-Stroke Dysphagia: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. CF, Chiang; MT, Lin; MY, Hsiao; YC, Yeh; YC, Liang; TG, Wang 2018
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Riabilitazione motoria
  • Stroke
143 Impaired neuroplasticity in the prefrontal cortex in depression indexed through paired associative stimulation. Y, Noda; R, Zomorrodi; Vila-Rodriguez, ; J, Downar; F, Farzan; RFH, Cash; TK, Rajji; ZJ, Daskalakis; DM, Blumberger 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
144 Durability of antidepressant response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: Systematic review and meta-analysis. S, Senova; G, Cotovio; A, Pascual-Leone; AJ, Oliveira-Maia 2018
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
145 The efficacy of tDCS in the treatment of migraine: A review. D, Dimitri; R, Arduini; V, Galetto; W, Liboni 2018
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Emicrania
146 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Migraine Prevention in Adolescents: A Pilot Open-Label Study. SL, Irwin; W, Qubty; IE, Allen; I, Patniyot; PJ, Goadsby; AA, Gelfand 2018
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Emicrania
147 Transcranial magnetic stimulation in migraine prophylaxis P, Leahu; A, Matei; S, Groppa 2018
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Emicrania
148 Efficacy of high-frequency (15 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the left premotor cortex/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in decreasing cocaine intake (the MagneTox study): A study protocol for a randomized placebo-controlled pilot M, Scarpino; G, Lanzo; M, Salimova; F, Lolli; A, Del Vecchio; C, Cossu; M, Bastianelli; B, Occupati; C, Lanzi; S, Pallanti; A, Amantini; G, Mannaioni; A, Grippo 2018
  • Dipendenze
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Double blind
149 Transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of tinnitus: a review of clinical trials and mechanisms of action. T, Yuan; A, Yadollahpour; J, Salgado-Ramírez; D, Robles-Camarillo; R, Ortega-Palacios 2018
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Tinnitus
150 Exploring the effects of anodal and cathodal high definition transcranial direct current stimulation targeting the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex To, Wing Ting; Eroh, Justin; Jr, John Hart; Vanneste, Sven 2018
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)

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