Changes in energy metabolism of the brain in children with attention deficit disorder hyperactivity in functional EEG Biofeedback

MN, Pankov; AG, Soloviev; AV, Gribanov; named after M. V. Lomono, Northern (Arctic) Federal University; University, Northern State Medical
The article presents the results of a study of brain energy state of hyperactive children with symptoms of attention deficit disorder (ADHD) in the process of psychophysiological correction using functional EEG biofeedback. A total of 27 children with ADHD with predominance of attention deficit 8-14 years before and after the course of EEG biofeedback. For registration, processing and analysis of brain constant potential level applied hardware and software diagnostic complex "Neyroenergometr-03." In children with a predominance of attention deficit to EEG biofeedback rate brain power supply was characterized by a decrease in the level of constant potential in the frontal, the potential difference between the frontal leads and central, occipital, temporal leads and a violation of the principle of "domed" distribution of brain constant potential. The course for the EEG Biofeedback was performed using complex psychophysiological correction "Reakor". Classes are held six times a week with one day off. scenario "beta/theta training" has been selected for correction. The results of evaluation of indicators of the energy metabolism of the brain in children with ADHD before and after a course of EEG biofeedback point to the growing role of energy metabolism in the frontal and central areas, which indicates that the efficiency of the psychophysiological correction using functional EEG biofeedback.
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
Bio-Neurofeedback; EEG; ADHD; bambini
Testata scientifica:
Le sedute si svolgono sei volte a settimana con un giorno di pausa. E' stato selezionato lo scenario "allenamento beta / theta" per la correzione. I risultati dei valori relativi al metabolismo energetico del cervello dei bambini con ADHD prima e dopo una sessione di biofeedback EEG indicano il crescente ruolo del metabolismo energetico nelle aree frontali e centrali, che indica l'efficienza della correzione psicofisiologica tramite Biofeedback funzionale EEG.
612.82 : 616.89-008.47
Hits: 1902

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