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  Titolo Autori Anno Patologie/Applicazioni
Risultati 276 - 300 di 314
276 The ACDC pilot trial: targeting the anterior cingulate by double cone coil rTMS for the treatment of depression PM, Kreuzer; M, Schecklmann; A, Lehner; TC, Wetter; TB, Poeppl; R, Rupprecht; de Ridder D, ; M, Landgrebe; B, Langguth 2015
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
277 Theta burst stimulation improves overt visual search in spatial neglect independently of attentional load D, Cazzoli; CR, Rosenthal; C, Kennard; GA, Zito; S, Hopfner; RM, Muri; T, Nyffeler 2015
  • Potenziamento cognitivo
  • Theta Burst
278 The role of the right frontal eye field in overt visual attention deployment as assessed by free visual exploration D, Cazzoli; S, Jung; T, Nyffeler; P, Wurtz; UP, Mosimann; RM, Muri 2015
  • Theta Burst
279 Efficacy of bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for negative symptoms of schizophrenia: results of a multicenter double-blind randomized controlled trial JJ, Dlabac-de Lange; L, Bais; van Es FD, ; BG, Visser; E, Reinink; B, BAkker; van den Heuvel ER, ; A, Aleman; H, Knegtering 2015
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Schizofrenia
280 Prolonged continuous theta-burst stimulation is more analgesic than 'classical' high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation X, Moisset; S, Goudeau; F, Poindessous-Jazat; S, Baudic; P, Clavelou; D, Bouhassira 2015
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Theta Burst
281 Bilateral prefrontal rTMS and theta burst TMS as an add-on treatment for depression: a randomized placebo controlled trial J, Prasser; M, Schecklmann; TB, Poeppl; E, Frank; PM, Kreuzer; G, Hajak; R, Rupprecht; M, Landgrebe; B, Langguth 2015
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
282 Combined rTMS treatment targeting the Anterior Cingulate and the Temporal Cortex for the Treatment of Chronic Tinnitus PM, Kreuzer; Astrid, Lehner; W, Schlee; V, Vielsmeier; M, Schecklmann; TB, Poeppl; M, Landgrebe; R, Rupprecht; B, Langguth 2015
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Tinnitus
283 rTMS of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex for major depression: safety, tolerability, effectiveness, and outcome predictors for 10 Hz versus intermittent thetaburst stimulation N, Bakker; S, Shahab; P, Giacobbe; DM, Blumberger; ZJ, Daskalakis; SH, Kennedy; J, Downar 2015
  • Depressione
  • Theta Burst
284 Effect of low frequency transcutaneous magnetic stimulation on sensory and motor transmission A, Leung; S, Shukla; J, Lee; V, Metzger-Smith; Y, He; J, Chen; S, Golshan 2015
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
285 MRI-guided dmPFC-rTMS as a Treatment for Treatment-resistant Major Depressive Disorder K, Dunlop; P, Gaprielian; D, Blumberger; ZJ, Daskalakis; SH, Kennedy; P, Giacobbe; J, Downar 2015
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
286 A novel coil array for combined TMS/fMRI experiments at 3 T de Lara LI, Navarro; C, Windischberger; A, Kuehne; M, Woletz; J, Sieg; S, Bestmann; N, Weiskopf; B, Strasser; E, Moser; E, Laistler 2015
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
287 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: An Automated Procedure to Obtain Coil-specific Models for Field Calculations KH, Madsen; L, Ewald; HR, Siebner; A, Thielscher 2015
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
288 Dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) circuitry in rodent models of cocaine use: implications for drug addiction therapies J., Jasinska A.; T., Chen B.; A., Bonci; A., Stein E. 2015
  • Dipendenze
289 Amplitude Integrated EEG: The Child Neurologist’s Perspective HC, Glass; CJ, Wusthoff; RA, Shellhaas 2014
  • Monitoraggio neonatale-CFM
290 Effect of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Autism: A Randomized Double-Blind Crossover Trial A, Amatachaya; N, Auvichayapat; N, Patjanasoontorn; C, Suphakunpinyo; N, Ngernyam; B, Aree-uea; K, Keeratitanont; P, Auvichayapat 2014
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Autismo
291 Cerebral oxygenation during the Richalet hypoxia sensitivity test and cycling time-trial performance in severe hypoxia N, Bourdillon; JL, Fan; B, Kayser 2014
  • Sport
292 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat depression and insomnia with chronic low back pain EJ, Park; SJ, Lee; DY, Koh; YM, Han 2014
  • Depressione
  • Terapia del dolore
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
293 Addressing the needs of adolescents with treatment resistant depressive disorders: a systematic review of rTMS AE, Donaldson; MS, Gordon; GA, Melvin; DA, Barton; PB, Fitzgerald 2014
  • Depressione
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
294 Bilateral Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Intensive Swallowing Rehabilitation for Chronic Stroke Dysphagia: A Case Series Study M, Abo; W, Kakauda; R, Momosaki 2014
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Riabilitazione motoria
  • Stroke
295 Effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the cerebellum on patients with ataxia after posterior circulation stroke: A pilot study S., Kim W.; H., Jung S.; K., Oh M.; S., Min Y.; Y., Lim J.; J., Paik N. 2014
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Stroke
296 Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) JP, Lefaucheur; N., Andrè-Obadia; A., Antal; S., Ayache S.; C., Baeken; H., Benninger D.; M., Cantello R.; M., Cincotta; de Carvalho M., ; D., De Ridder; H., Deyanne; V., Di Lazzaro; R., Filippovic S.; C., Hummel F.; K., Jaaskelainen S.; K., Kimiskidis V.; G., Koch; B., Lanqquth; T., Nyffeler; A., Oliviero; F., Padberg; E., Poulet; S., Rossi; M., Rossini P.; C., Rothwell J.; C., Schonfeldt-Lecouna; R., Siebner H.; W., Slotema C.; J., Stagg C.; J., Valls-Sole; U., Ziemann; W., Paulus; L., Garcia-Larrea 2014
  • Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS)
  • Linee guida
297 The Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire and the Internet Addiction Scale in the Assessment of Multiple Addictions in a High-School Population: Prevalence and Related Disability Pallanti, S.; Bernardi, S.; Quercioli, L. 2014
  • Dipendenze
  • Plasticità cerebrale
  • ADHD
298 Rehabilitation of the hemiparetic gait by nociceptive withdrawal reflex-based functional electrical therapy: a randomized, single-blinded study Spaich, E. G.; Svaneborg, N.; Jorgensen, H. R. M.; Andersen, O. K. 2014
  • Riabilitazione motoria
  • Stroke
299 Can noninvasive brain stimulation enhance cognition in neuropsychiatric disorders? A, Demitras-Tatlidede; AM, Vahabzadeh-Hagh; A, PAscual-Leone 2013
  • Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (TES)
  • Autismo
300 A new methodical approach in neuroscience: assessing inter-personal brain coupling using functional near-infrared imaging (fNIRI) hyperscanning F, Scholkmann; L, Holper; U, Wolf; M, Wolf 2013
  • NIRS

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